GRENADIER Quartermaster Rockslider

Sill protector Rock-Slider and stepper designed for extreme use.

Whether it's a worldwide expedition or hard work, you can always count on this essential Off-Road accessory. It is made of high-strength 3mm steel to the factory dimensions of the INEOS Grenadier, taking into account all aspects that improve off-road capability.

This sill protector provides the greatest possible protection while maintaining the best possible terrain angle. It also withstands the greatest physical stress, such as rocks, tree stumps, stones, and logs.

- Due to its design, it does not impair the car's off-road angle

-It doesn't stand out from the plane of the car

-The lower plane of the threshold is designed so that no rocks, pieces of stone, logs, stumps or other potential sources of potential hazards can get stuck in it, this could help the vehicle to moving forward.

-Galvanized, primed and powder-coated in two layers for maximum corrosion protection.

Due to the huge demand, the delivery time can be up to 4-5 weeks.

We accept orders at the following e-mail address:

In view of its weight and size, please request a price quote for delivery at the following e-mail address:

1,282.00 €
In stock


Currently, we can only accept orders by e-mail

Due to the high demand for our products, although the components are continuously in production, we are unable to maintain stock. Therefore, please place your order via email.

Thank you for your understanding.


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